GPW-100 Prox Card Encoder

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Product Description

Promag GPW100 Proximity Tag Encoder interfaces to any PC with an RS-232 serial port, high performance and high reliability.
The Encoder comes with a utility software that enables you to encode the ID code into the proximity tag easily at your side. Due to GPW100, it becomes possible for you to program the proximity tag with the ID code you want.


  • Can encode the ID code at user side
  • Can encode any ID number you want
  • Can reproduce the same ID number if necessary
  • Can produce the ID codes with progressive numbers
  • One Time Programmed to protect the coded tag from being changed
  • Encoded tags by GPW100 can be read by all GP Series readers or any other GP compatible readers
  • RS-232 interface , 19200, N, 8, 1

Utility software features:
– Read a Card
– Write a Card
– Write cards from a file
– Edit / Write a Card
– Write Cards with progressive numbers
– Duplicate a Card

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